REVIEW : The Power of Creativity: Learning How to Build Lasting Habits, Face Your Fears and Change Your Life

August 01, 2018

So kalini aku akan reviu buku non-fiction bahasa inggeris yang bertajuk The Power of Creativity: Learning How to Build Lasting Habits, Face Your Fears and Change Your Life. Perghhh panjang benor tajuk dia pun.


Are you ready to build habits, face your fears and change your life?

Because that’s the Power of Creativity.

This book is for new writers, musicians, filmmakers, artists and anyone who has ever asked questions like “How can I become more creative?” or, “How can I get more ideas?” or “How can I focus on my thoughts and just let them flow?”

If you’ve ever struggled with a problem or challenge in your personal or professional life and thought, “I can’t do this, I’m not creative enough”, this book will help you.

Okay bersambung lagi dalam siri broke as hell aku, kalini aku decide baca buku ni dalam bentuk ebook sebab buku ni percuma dekat google playbook (YASSSSS BENDA PERCUMA).

Buku ni walaupun targeted audiences dia untuk orang yang melibatkan diri dalam hal seni seperti penulis, pemuzik, pedrama(eh?), tapi bagi aku lebih sesuai untuk dibaca oleh aspiring writer - atau orang yang nak berjinak dalam dunia penulisan. Disebabkan aku *insert pengakuan eksklusif* dulu pernah cuba untuk menulis novel (dah cecah 12k words) tapi abaikan penulisan tersebut disebabkan beberapa masalah yang ada dimention dalam buku ni.

Buku ni mengajar kita menyiapkan karya kita (tak kira la muzik atau penulisan) walaupun perlu mengambil masa yang lama.

Ada beberapa strategi yang disebut dalam buku ni untuk kita menyiapkan karya kita, antaranya (aku cilok dari goodreads je ni) :

1. Prepare to be Inspired
Inspiration is nice, but that doesn’t mean you should sit around all day waiting for ideas to come to you. Instead, cultivate smart creative habits that help you find ideas faster.

2. Trace Your Creative Roots
To know what you’re going to create (and to overcome problems like procrastination, fear and self-doubt), you must understand what drives you. You must understand what you’re passionate about and for that, a personal mission statement is key.

3. Learn What Your Craft (And Your Audience) Demands
To master your craft, whether that by writing, painting, music, film or art, requires learning what both it and your audience expect from you.

4. Find a Creative Master to Mentor You
A mentor will help you face your fears, master the self and find better ideas faster. But, what if you can’t find one?

 5. Strengthen Your Mind and Body
Creative masters understand the value of meditation, physical exercise and protecting their best self. They know becoming more creative isn’t just a mental practice.

6. Invest In Your Side-Projects
When you need when you need a break from your main gig, turn towards a side-project. That’s what smart creative people do, and they often find real success in this approach.

7. Go to War Against Your Fears
Your fear of failure, your fear of rejection, your fear of criticism, let’s change that.

So bila hg baca buku ni, dia akan explain dengan lebih detail tentang tujuh perkara ni.

Macam pengakuan ekslusif aku tadi, aku lepas baca buku ni terus tangan gatal nak create novel semula. Ye la, kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi yedak?

Buku ni sememangnya ditarget kepada mereka yang tengah struggle kepada mereka yang tengah mencari kreativiti. Jika anda tergolong dalam golongan tersebut (macam aku), READ THIS!

Rating lelaki seksi : 6/10

Antara quote yang aku jumpa dalam buku ni ;

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